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It should be recalled that more than five years ago, the managing directors and internal auditors of Tirotex were the first in Pridnestrovie to undergo training under the latest version of ISO 9001 program, and then successfully passed an inspection audit by the international certifying body TUV CERT for compliance with the international quality management system standard. Thus, today the textile company has been operating under the ISO certificate for more than 25 years.
This time, the auditors of the international certification company conducted an external recertification audit for all departments of the textile enterprise. Its results were announced today in a report submitted to the management of Tirotex. The international expert noted positive changes in the introduced new elements of the system in all processes of the enterprise.
General Director Andrei Mezhinsky pays close attention to the importance and positive assessment of the external recertification audit, as it stimulates multilateral economic relations: “Now we face rapid changes in foreign trade activity, requirements for manufacturing enterprises are becoming tougher, new risks are emerging, including ours. Of course, such effective control by international experts stimulates our activities within the framework of the quality system applied at Tirotex, which is necessary for conducting efficient financial and economic activities.”